If you have frequent heartburn (you experience it more than two days per week), you’ve probably talked with your doctor about ways to treat it. Your doctor may have recommended switching to a bland diet to avoid any heartburn-triggering foods.1 By removing certain foods from your diet, you might find that your symptoms don’t occur as frequently—or even go away completely.
But is there anything more snooze-inducing than the idea of following a bland diet? It brings to mind plain oatmeal and boiled chicken breasts—zzzzzz. However, a bland diet doesn’t necessarily have to be flavorless.
Here are some ways to follow your doctor’s orders while still looking forward to mealtime. And remember: Not everyone has the same heartburn triggers, so it may take a while for you to figure out exactly which foods are making your symptoms worse.
What Is a Bland Diet?
A bland diet consists of foods that are soft, low in fiber and not spicy.1 Your health care provider may put you on a bland diet to address symptoms of heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems.1 Although it doesn’t sound too appealing, a bland diet can create less stress on the gastrointestinal tract to help it heal more efficiently.2 After some time on the diet, you can reintroduce other foods once your health care provider gives you the OK, but it’s still important to eat healthily.